The 4th International Conference on New Energy and Future Energy Systems
Topics of Interest

Researchers and practitioners are encouraged to submit original, unpublished contributions.
The topics of interest include but are not limited to:
(Multidisciplinary subjects are especially encouraged.)

• New Energy

--New energy resources
Shale gas
Solar energy
Wind energy
Ocean energy
Biomass energy
Fusion energy
Nuclear energy
Geothermal energy
Wave and tidal power
--Advanced energy technologies
Green building
New energy device
New energy harvesting
Clean coal Technologies
Combustion technologies
Clean production process
Energy-saving technologies
Waste-to-energy technologies

--Energy management
Carbon tax
Energy education
Energy economics
Green energy options
New energy prospects
Renewable energy standards
New energy planning and investment
Global cooperation on new energy issues
New energy policies, laws and pilot projects

• InterGrid

--Smart gird
smart grid load and energy management
optical technologies for smart grid
energy grid control
smart metering and dynamic pricing
smart grid architectures and models
networking and computing issues in smart grid
vulnerability and security of smart grid
--Energy control and storage
High-capacity optical transport
Storage integration and automation
Energy conversion technologies
Green supply chain management
Intelligent energy control systems
Alternative and hybrid energy systems

--Energy network
Green ICT
Energy protocols
Energy data centers
Energy terminal design
Energy network challenges
Energy cloud computing and
Electrical vehicle monitoring and control

• New Energy Material

--Material for energy saving and sustainability
Ni/MH battery materials
Green cell materials
Fuel cell materials
Solar cell materials
Lithium-ion batteries
Lighting materials
Phase change materials
Superconducting materials
Smart materials
Magnetic materials
--Techniques for developing new energy materials
Interfaces in solid oxide fuel cells
New energy materials fabrication
Water splitting and photocatalysis
Thermoelectrics, magnetocalorics, piezoelectronics
Technologies for hydrogen generation and storage
Technologies for organic and inorganic photovoltaics
Novel characterization and analysis techniques for new energy
Influence elements and improvement method for developing new energy materials
Theoretical calculation and simulation regarding new energy devices
Nanostructured fabrication and integration processes for energy devices


IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science ((indexed by: Scopus, Engineering Compendex (EI), GeoBase, Georef and Inspec, etc. E-ISSN: 1755-1315)
Scope: The papers fit with the Conference General topics are warmly welcome.

Journal of Biobased Materials and Bioenergy (IF: 2.993, E-ISSN: 1556-6579)
Biobased Polymers and Blends
Biobased Composites and Nanocomposites
Biobased Materials Processing Technologies
Life Cycle Analysis and Social Impacts of Biobased Materials
Environmental Impacts of Biobased Materials
Biofuels from Biomass and Related Processing Developments
Life Cycle Analysis as well as Social and Environmental Impact of Biofuels, etc.

Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers – Energy (IF: 0.771, E-ISSN: 1751-4231)
Development of Sustainable Energy Policy
Energy Efficiency in Buildings, Infrastructure and Transport systems
Renewable Energy Sources
Energy Conservation

The 4th International Conference on New Energy and Future Energy Systems
NEFES Conference Secretary: Ms. Yin Pan & Ms. Siran Xie     Tel: +86 18071410263     Email:
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