Invited Speaker--Dr. Yi Zong

Dr. Yi Zong
Senior Scientist, Department of Electrical Engineering, Technical University of Denmark, Denmark.
Biography: Yi Zong received the Ph.D. degree in System Engineering and Automation, from the University Complutense, Madrid, Spain, in 2006. Since 2006 she was employed as a Postdoc and Scientist in the Wind Energy Division, Risø National Laboratory for Sustainable Energy, Roskilde, Denmark. She is currently a Senior Scientist at Center for Electric Power and Energy, the Department of Electrical Engineering, Technical University of Denmark. She has hosted and participated in 20+ research and demonstration projects supported by the Danish funding schemes, the Sino‐Danish collaborations and EU-H2020 schemes in the area of smart grids, industrial microgrids, smart buildings, and integrated energy systems.
Speech Title: Maximizing flexibility through energy system integration: flexible resources, control strategies and practical barriers
Abstract: Denmark’ goal of being independent of fossil energy sources in 2050 puts forward great demands on all energy subsystems (electricity, heat, gas and transportation, etc.) to be operated in a holistic manner. It requires finding solutions from a multi-carrier energy perceptive. A cost-effective, sustainable and secure multi-carrier energy system should be established, in which renewable energy production, infrastructures and consumption can be integrated and coordinated through energy services, active users and enabling technologies such as power-to-heat (P2H), power-to-gas (P2G), energy storage, demand response, etc. to maximize the flexibility.
Firstly, the presentation will talk about the potential technical-economic value of the flexible resources in different energy sectors, which is explicitly identified and characterized from an integrated cross-sectoral system perspective. Secondly, how to achieve the maximum value of different kinds of cross-sectoral options through the optimal design of flexibility-enabling P2H and P2G solutions and applicable advanced control strategies to support wind/solar power integration under different power system conditions, taking into account the operational constraints for each cross-sectoral flexible option in spatial, temporal and capacity etc., and different kinds of operational conflicts will be present in detail based on the preliminary results of the on-going demnstration projects in Denmark. Finally, the practical needs and barriers for enabling P2H and P2G solutions to support renewable energy integration with different energy system setups will be summarized.
Acknowledgements: This work is supported by “EnergyLab Nordhavn-New Urban Energy Infrastructures and Smart Components” project grant by the Danish Energy Technology Development and Demonstration Program (No. 64015-0055) and “Enhancing wind power integration through optimal use of cross-sectoral flexibility in an integrated multi-energy system (EPIMES)” the Sino-Danish project granted by the Danish Innovation Funding (No. 5185-00005B).